Age 15: Magnificent Me. Explores your very own leadership style, values and thinking patterns. We also start exploring your subject choices and areas of interest.
What is the theme of More of Me?
Age 16: More of Me. In the middle of high school you will start dreaming about your future, and we focus on ways to unleash your potential so that you realise that there is more to you than you ever hoped for.
What is the theme of Multifaceted Me?
Age 17: Multifaceted Me. You, like other teenagers your age, are a complex person. This year we explore how to understand the multifaceted person that you are.
What I the theme of Masterly Me?
Age 18 Masterly Me. At 18 you are to be the master of your own destiny on the brink of being an independent adult. This learning track exposes you to all the skills that will aid you to become an independent and passionate adult who will contribute to making our world a better place.
Do I have to complete all of the modules?
EDUvelopment is a self motivation program, and you are strongly advised to complete all of the modules if you want to benefit from the rich variety of modules offered. In some cases you may not be able to progress to the next module if you have not completed the previous one.
Where can I get some emotional support?
Childline or the South African Anxiety and Depression Group. Their regional contacts and national numbers can be found on the internet.
I want to contact a Subject Matter Expert (SME). How do I do so?
Contact EDUvelopment Head Office and they may put you in contact with the SME if they think that you have a valid request.
What are Enrichment Modules?
Enrichment modules are relevant material that may enrich your knowledge on a theme, or they may just be inspiring.
Are Enrichment Modules compulsory?
No. They serve merely to enrich or add value to your learning.
I want to contribute a module to the EDUvelopment program. How do I do this?
If you really think that you can add value to the program then contact the EDUvelopment Head Office and they will put you in contact with the correct person who can hep you.
Can I only do the modules that interest me?
Chances are that if you are interested in a topic then you already have a fair amount of knowledge. We recommend that you try additional modules to broaden your general knowledge. Who knows? You may find a new interest.
Do I have to answer all of the questions online?
You will have extended access to EDUvelopment so writing answers online is a good way to refer back to them.
I want to make my DREAMCATCHER as a personal journal. Can I?
Answering the questions online will help you frame your thoughts. Obviously we will always encourage to create a personal journal that adds value to you.
Which M-Track do I belong to?
It depends on your age on 1 July of the year that you enroll on EDUvelopment.
Age 14: Managing Me, Age 15: Magnificent Me, Age 16: More of Me, Age 17: Multifaceted Me and Age 18: Masterly Me.
What is the theme of Managing Me?
Age 14: Managing Me. Here you will learn all about managing yourself and discover your own inner personal strength.
What is Pillar 3 about?
Pillar 3 has the modules to introduce you to more skills
What are the kinds of skills found In Pillar 3?
There is a vast variety of topics that are covered. They vary from personal development to natural history, from business skills to how to love yourself. Anything that will enhance you skills as an independent adult.
Do I have to do homework beyond my 2 notional hours per week?
Every topic is aimed and creating a sense of curiosity with the learner. If your curiosity is stimulated you may like to continue to do additional research, but it is not an EDUvelopment requirement.
How long is each module?
Each module is a notional hour.
What is a notional hour?
A notional hour is the estimated time it will take each learner to complete a module of learning if they complete all of the activities. Some learners will take longer and others less time, but it should take in the region of 1 hour to complete and understand a module of learning properly .
How many module can I do a week?
Two modules of new material are loaded for each learning track per week.
What is a “Masterclass”?
A specialty class in which learning is achieved through in-depth instruction. They are often presented by an expert in their field of instruction.
What is a “TeenScreen”?
A presentation of information or data where you will be able to delve into details of the topic which teach you a new skill.
What are “M-Track” Modules
Age specific instructional modules that teach and assess new skills and knowledge.
What is an “M-Track”?
An “M-Track” is an alternative name for a “Learning Track”.
How did M-Tracks get their name?
All of the learning tracks start with the letter M, so to avoid confusion they are called M-Tracks
What are the different M-Tracks?
There are 5 M-Tracks: Managing Me; Magnificent Me: More of Me: Multifaceted Me; Masterly Me.